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OVL in the News


Combatting Bottom Trawling in European Natura 2000-MPAs 

OVL represents BUND in initiating a preliminary proceeding against Germany for allowing bottom trawling in European Natura 2000-MPAs.

*Article in German

Anna von Rebay

Lawyer of the Ocean: How Anna von Rebay fights for the Ocean

Anna von Rebay hat Deutschlands erste Kanzlei gegründet, die sich dem Schutz der Ozeane und ihrer Lebenswelten widmet.

*Article in German

Anna von Rebay

The Same Knife Cuts Bread and Fingers

CEO of Ocean Vision Legal, Anna von Rebay: We Can’t Breathe Without The Ocean

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Sashimi Triggers A Crisis of Human Survival?

CEO of Ocean Vision Legal, Anna von Rebay: Sharks Aren’t Bad, They Save Lives!

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Right The Wrongs, Scars Still Remain

"We must change our behaviour, if we want to save the ocean!", is the CEO of Ocean Vision Legal's message to the world. Proper education is fundamental to saving the ocean effectively!

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